Centennial Airport is currently in the process of conducting a full Part 150 Airport Noise Compatibility Study update to assess aircraft noise and land use compatibility in the surrounding areas. This study kicked off in late 2023, with completion anticipated in 2026.
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Aircraft noise is an important issue facing airports and communities throughout the nation. Formal standards were established by Congress under the Aviation Safety and Noise Abatement Act of 1979, which created a single system for determining the exposure of individuals to airport noise, and a standardized airport noise compatibility planning program. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) prescribed a set of procedures and standards under the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 14 Part 150, and entitled “Airport Noise Compatibility Planning”, commonly referred to as Part 150.
A Part 150 study is a voluntary FAA program that sets guidelines for airport operators to document aircraft noise exposure, and to establish noise abatement and compatible land use programs. These noise abatement procedures and/or mitigation programs must be approved by the FAA in order to qualify for potential federal funding. The study identifies and evaluates two components, aircraft noise and land use, using two distinct, but complementary portions:
History of Part 150 at Centennial Airport
The FAA’s Record of Approval for Centennial Airport's previous full Part 150 Noise Study was dated 2008. Consultant Barnard Dunkelberg & Company, which later merged with Mead & Hunt, led the Study.
During that study, the consultant worked with two project committees to develop and prioritize the following 12 recommendations. The FAA’s determination and implementation status of the recommendations are outlined in table form in a document that can be accessed here.
As part of the 2008 Part 150 Study, Barnard Dunkelberg & Company also developed existing, and future, noise exposure maps (NEMs) based on the recommendations and forecasts.
Centennial Airport then completed a Part 150 Noise Exposure Map Update in 2016 led by consultant HMMH that provided a 2016 existing Noise Exposure Map and a 2021 Future Noise Exposure Map. These are the Airport’s current NEMs, which will be updated as part of the ongoing Part 150 Study Update that began in 2023.
Current Part 150 Study
Centennial Airport is currently in the process of conducting a full Part 150 Airport Noise Compatibility Study update to assess aircraft noise and land use compatibility in the surrounding areas. This study kicked off in late 2023, with completion anticipated in 2026. The Study is being led by consultant Mead & Hunt (which merged with Barnard Dunkelberg & Company in 2012) with partners HMMH and C&S Companies. The objective of this Study is to update the Noise Exposure Map based on current and forecast future conditions, and to formulate a set of recommendations to include in the Noise Compatibility Program that addresses non-compatible land uses. The goal of the overall program is for Centennial Airport, in consultation with stakeholders, to develop a balanced program to minimize aircraft noise effects on surrounding communities and non-compatible land uses. For more information on the Part 150 Noise Compatibility Study, please visit the project website.